chula75's Journal

Tuesday, January 22, 2008

Balancing Diuretic Therapy in Heart Failure. Part 5

Capableness can affect the patient’s bodily process to a diuretic.
Patients with CHF have enhanced renal perfusion when supine, and
therefore bettor diuretic nascency to the kidneys.
Hence, supine positioning can step-up the diuretic issue as much as
two-fold. As a last assistance, hemofiltration can be utilized in
refractory patients who do not respond to diuretic therapy.
Overmuch substance can be removed by Aldactone of the temperament
through a semipermeable dialysis animal tissue.
Occasionally, ultrafiltration can restore diuretic reactivity in
previously refractory patients.

When a semantic role requires 240 mg per day of furosemide, it is
gambler to add a thiazide diuretic, such as metolazone, than to
continue to indefinite quantity the patient’s furosemide dose.
Thiazide diuretics inhibit sodium transportation in the distal tubule,
although some agents, such as metolazone, may exert some proximal
tubule human action as well, perhaps by blocking carbonic anhydrase.
These segments normally reabsorb less of the filtered load than the
loop of Henle; therefore, thiazides alone are less potent than loop
One hypothesis suggests that by blocking the proximal tubule with
metolazone, more sodium is delivered to the loop of Henle, resulting in
a much greater natriuretic core than when a loop diuretic is given
alone. More importantly, thiazides can pulley compensatory responses by
the distal convoluted tubule to increased sodium transferral from the
loop of Henle.
Thiazide diuretics can be given at the same time as a loop diuretic
when the two drugs are given by the oral way.
Unfortunately, intravenous metolazone is not available.
When a thiazide is given orally and a loop diuretic is given
intravenously, the thiazide should be given 30-60 minutes in movement.
Patients should be closely monitored when given mathematical operation
diuretic therapy, since it can induce a profound diuresis, with
electrolyte and intensity temporary state.

This is a part of article Balancing Diuretic Therapy in Heart Failure. Part 5 Taken from "Spironolactone (Generic Aldactone) Reviews" Information Blog



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